Tupper Clean

Laundry Compound   1kg box
   Baby safe product
Liquid Laundry Detergent   800ml bottle
  Baby safe product

Dish Wash Concentrate    800ml bottle
  Cuts through grease and oil effectively.

All Purpose Cleaner   800ml bottle 
  To cater to you everyday needs  

Stainless Steel & Copper Cleaner   400g bottle  
  Put the shine back into your cookware

Clean Hands   300ml bottle 
  Just a little bit goes a long way

Vege Safe   450ml bottle 
  For safe, chemical free vegetables and fruits

My experience

The APC is good for the general cleaning of everything, including toilets.

The Combination of APC and DWC results in a better all purpose cleaning solution for the whole kitchen.

Cooking With Tupperchef

Tupperware Brands

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