
There are 3 health products in this line. 

NaturCare Organic Lacto-Fiber
A complete wholesome supplement made of 59 ingredients of
  Probiotics, Prebiotics and Enzymes

Helps in frequent bowel movements and more stools.
Is safe for long-term consumption.
It is for everyone, to help detoxify and cleanse the intestines.
It is also safe for children.
1 to 3 portions per day.

NaturCare BerryGen - Live Well, Stay Youthful, Be beautiful         
A combination of Berries and Collagen, for beauty from the inside out.

Collagen is good for joints.

The combination of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and acerola.
Provides high amounts of Anti-Oxidants.

Results in,
Radiant skin
Hydrated skin
Better pigmentation
Lesser wrinkles
Reduced dark circles

Ingredients are 100% natural

NaturCare Colostrum + DHA Chews (New)
A combination of Colostrum and DHA.

Colostrum is the first milk produced by mothers immediately after child-birth.
It is rich in essential proteins, antibodies, antioxidants, immunoglobins, growth factors, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.

Docosahexaenic Acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid derived from coldwater fatty fish like tuna.
DHA is crucial in the development of the brain, nervous systems and visual abilities especially for young children.

DHA helps to prevent Alzheimer's disease.

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