Workshop Beauty Control

Just recently, I attended a Beauty Control Workshop with my wife and her sister and it was not a surprise I was the only guy with slightly over 30 ladies and it was a day's workshop.

Now you may be wondering why I did so. Why not? After all, the Beauty and Health Industry has reached more than USD 1 trillion on a yearly basis. And I know of a facial bar in the market that is being retailed at RM95.00 per 25 gram bar.

I was also curious what what is a beauty workshop like anyway, let alone one held by an MLM company like Tupperware Brands and RM60.00 for a day's course is affordable and to top it, it was money well spent as the things we received at the end of the day was more than what we paid for.

Each attendee received samples of the beauty products, lunch and tea was packed in Tupperware products. Lunch was packed in a container that is about half of the price of the course we paid.

Ok, now what I learnt. We all are made up of different skin types, this is the basic and the fairer sex has to go through a certain regime, daily and weekly, if they want to have flawless admirable complexion.

The trainer, needless to say, her face is well looked after, after all, she is the company's tainer for the beauty product range.

I got to know, what I was ignorant of, the difference in cleansers, toners, masque among others and its functions.

To all this, I even learnt facial massage and I was my wife's model and she became mine, in the workshop. There are steps to it and it is easy to learn.

Will I use the products mentioned? Hmmm... Maybe when my wife gives me a facial massage.

Did I have fun? I did in more ways than 1 and I learnt something.


Cooking With Tupperchef

Tupperware Brands

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