Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I join in ?
Fill in your information for us to contact you.

Are there meetings to attend ?
Yes, they are held regularly and Tupperware Brands term the meetings an Assembly.

Must I attend this Assembly ?
Yes and No.
Yes, to update yourself on the new product launches and learn how to use the products itself, learn to cook using the Tupperchef Cookware, more importantly, make friends and learn how other people in the business work their business.

No, the attendance is not compulsory.

Are the meetings fun ?
Why not ? You have to attend one to know more...
Recognition for those who did well.
Birthday celebration

Is the business only for ladies ?
No, I am a guy and have been attending the Assemblies for more than a year now.
Besides, there are more guys doing the business now.

What is the benefits besides doing the business ?
Many who have joined the business,
personal development is one,
making new friends with people in the business,
recognition in doing the business,
have fun.


Cooking With Tupperchef

Tupperware Brands

There is always something for someone.

Be it a gift for a birthday, a celebration, an occasion or an event.

There is always something to suit every budget.

You will be amazed and your friend will be amazed too.

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